Sunday, November 18, 2007

Welcome to the Jungle II

As I mentioned in the post earlier, Welcome to the Jungle by Guns n' Roses was not only one the first videos I ever saw, but also probably my favorite. This video regardless of what I think about the image portrayed about "Rock Music" is simply a great song. It is about the "jungle" or the world outside, the real life world and I find it to be not only musically easy to listen to, but also just a overall true image of the world outside the "Beavers" perfect house hold where there are drugs, women, money and hatred surrounding well it seems almost everything. The world is mean and well just not a very good place, and if you listen to the lyric closely it is saying as if welcome to the real world everybody. Where there is violence, drugs, women and how knows what else. And another reason why I like this video and song is because plain and simple it is a great songs, I not only like this song and what it has to say, but also because musically. Another thing is, just watch the video and you will see that plain and simple it is a bad ass video and I'm pretty sure you will liove, it because who doesn't like Guns n ' Roses I think that almost everybody who grew up with that musical era likes guns n' roses because of not only what they are expressing in their music and how it makes you feel, but also because it is in my mind expressing the truth about the world, and they are sending a message that people need to be ready and know what they need to expect. Great f$$$ing video.